Thursday, March 13, 2014


I am grateful for the things and the people that The Lord has placed in my life...

For Grace Hallelujah who is always willing to dress according to a theme and who tirelessly encourages and lifts me up...

For my lovely 259 Allison roomie, Pat Pat. She is a woman running after God's heart and I am so blessed to share her friendship and to learn from her...

For my crazy awesome skit team that reminds me that we serve a God of fun...

For this beautiful lady to share coffee and Spanish with...

For fun car rides with my BFF Corey where we sing and dance to anything on the radio but mostly Taylor Swift and Katy Perry...

For my sweet new RMR family that is crazy, radical, weird, hard, and beautifully awesome...

For my pink bicycle that ridiculously expresses me and reminds me that dreams do come true...

For best friends that have been around for forever and that are a great reminder that love never leaves...

For sweet Ellen who is a constant light in my life full of sunshine and joy...

For bulletin boards that remind me of the goodness of God every morning...

For my wonderful freshman girls small group and surprisingly fun adventures to IHOP...

For coffees that are pretty and worth looking like a hipster to photograph...

For an AMAZING family full of love, the best memories, and three best friends that I can always count on...

And for a life overflowing with God's grace and beauty and goodness...